

Theme – Moral and Spiritual Conflict of the Ages.

1.  Written about past, present, and future (verse 1:19)

2.  Vision # I – To the 7 churches chapter #2

a.      To Ephesus, the backslidden church, persistent in service, strong in discipline, but with love which has growing cold, verse 1-7

b.      To Smyrna, the poor but truly rich church, facing a period of persecution, verse 8-11

c.      To Pergamos, the church of evil surroundings, steadfast, but infected with heresy, verse 12-17

d.      To Thyatira, the church of good works but harboring false prophetess verse 18-29

e.      To Sardis, the dying church, verse 1-6

f.        To Philadelphia, the weak, but faithful church, verse 7-13

g.      To Laodicera, the Lukewarm self satisfied church, boasting of her wealth while poor and miserable and blind, verses which speaks of their spiritual condition14-22 

3.  Chapter 5 – The opening of the seven-sealed Book.

4.  Chapter 6 – opening of the six-seal

5.  Opening of seventh seal Chapter 8 sound of trumpets.

6.  Chapter 9 – Fifth Trumpet unlocked the Abyss 9:1-10

7.  20:4-6 – Rapture and Millennium

8.  20:1-2 – Satan bounded verse 7-8 Satan loosed

9.  20:11-13 – Lost peoples judgment

10.  Second death verse 20:14-15

11.  New Heaven and Earth 21:1-4, verse 7

12.  Hell second death, this verse speaks about spiritual for eternity, verse 8

13.  The Description of the New Jerusalem, verse 10-21

14.  Warning about adding to or taking from the Bible, this is verses which are repeatedly broken by many different cults in the world today. 22:18,19