Where Will You Spend Eternity

Hell, the very name denotes something very bad. The dictionary says of Hell the place to which sinners and unbelievers go to for eternal punishment after death. When you mention Hell most people get frighten, although no one has ever gone there; or have they?… as I begin preparing this message I remembered a  tract I had read entitled, "Forty Eight Hours in Hell". This tract was supposed to be a true story about a man who was in prison for an awful crime. While on a work detail he was killed. While being prepared for burial, two other prisoners were carrying this man from the morgue to another room for his burial preparation. One man stumbled and dropped the dead man,  that is when he regained consciences. After being revived he told a story about where he had been, It seemed he made a long journey down a long dark road which was well traveled. Passing through a tunnel where there was a lot  of noise he was taken on the other side to get a look at heaven, listen as I quote him “far above me, in the distance I saw the beautiful city of which we read about in the Bible. How wonderfully beautiful were its walls of jasper. Stretching out and away in the distance, I saw vast plains covered with beautiful flowers. I too beheld the river of life and the sea of glass. Vast multitudes of angels would pass in and out through the gate of the city, singing, oh, such beautiful songs. Among the number I saw my dear old mother, who had died a few years ago of a broken heart because of my wickedness. She looked toward me and seemed to beckon me to her, but I could not move.

         There appeared to be a great weight upon me that held me down. Now a gentle breeze wafted the fragrance of those flowers to me, and I could now, more plainly than ever, hear the sweet melody of angels voices, and I said, oh, that I might have been one of them". at that point, he said he was moved to another point where he beheld the lake of fire. And I quote, "Just before me I could see as far as the eye could reach, that literal lake of fire and brimstone huge billows of fire would roll over each other, and great waves of fiery flame would dash against each other and leap high in the air like the wave of the sea during a violent storm. On the crest of the waves I could see human beings rise , but soon to be carried down again to the lowest depths of the lake of fire when borne on the crest of these awful billows for a time their pitiful cries for water would be heart-rending. This vast region of fire echoed and re-echoed with the wails of these lost spirits. 

He then stated, presently I turned my eyes to the door through which I had a entered a few moments before, I read these awful words; "this is thy doom, eternity never ends". Shortly I began to feel the ground give away beneath my feet, and soon found my self sinking down into the lake of fire. An indescribable thirst for water now seized upon me. And calling for water my eyes opened in the prison hospital. I passed through all this, and I am well satisfied as I am alive, that there is a heaven and there is a hell, and a regular old-fashioned hell, the kind the Bible tells about".

         Now friends you have just heard a story about heaven and hell from a man, is it true? Did this really happen? Let us take a few minutes to take and look at what the Bible has to say about heaven and hell.

         Jesus told a true story in the gospel of (St Luke 16:19-31) about two people that he had known personally, their friends and families only saw what happened to them on this earth. One of them was very successful, very happy, very rich. The other was very poor, very sick, and very lonely. But Jesus saw that which no one else could see. He saw what happened on the  other side of eternity. Here we have contained in the infallible word of God a true story by the son of God, telling us what it is going to be like in eternity. Friends this one story contains all the major elements of eternal destiny, Let us take a close look at it. We know from this story that, life after death is real. When we compare this story with the testimony from our man’s story, we can see all these men were alive in another world after they left this world. They were very much alive in another world. ”And it came to pass, that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom the rich man died, and was buried, and in hell he lifted us his eyes, being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Luke 16:22,23. Yes friends we can also see they went to their new home immediately after they died. “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” II Corin 5:8.

You can see, friends the saved go straight to heaven and the unsaved go straight to hell. The man in our story went to hell before they even placed his body in his coffin. From our stories we can see there are only two eternal places of destiny. You may have wondered if people really know what is going on, are they personally conscious." And he cried and said, father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame”. Luke 16:24. yes friends not only were they alive and conscious but they had sense of sight. The rich man could see Abraham and Lazarus. They had the sense of feeling, the rich man said he was in torment. They had the sense to taste and were thirty, the rich man was thirsty and wanted water. Yes friends just like the man in our story. They had the sense of speech, because the rich man was talking to Abraham. The man in our story also talked to those in charge. These people also had the sense of hearing, because he listened to Abraham, like the man in our story. Each had a memory, the rich man remembered Lazarus and the man in our story remembered his mother and the wickedness he had done while on earth. Now as we have taken a look at these two places I want you to notice the main differences between these two places. Hell is a place of torment, while heaven is a place of comfort. Both the man’s story and the Bible story shows this to be true Mark 9:43 says that hell is a fire that burns continually and is never quenched. Matt 22:13 talks of pain and gnashing of teeth. Rev 14:11 talks of the smoke of their torment ascending up forever and and ever and no rest day or night yes friends I think you will agree with me, hell is a real place and a very frightful place to be, a place where no man should want to go. Yes friends it is that and more, and no man has to go there. If you remember the man in our story at the beginning of our message he told about a beautiful place called heaven.

         The Bible also verified this, because Lazarus went to heaven and is still there today waiting for others who has made plans to go there. You don’t have to be rich or famous to go there, because Lazarus was a poor beggar, a helpless nobody. You know him, you see many Lazarus everyday, walking around in your city. People just like Lazarus who’s only food must be given to them from people that have money. Friend Lazarus’ only medicine, the tongue of a dog that licked his wounds. When he died, God sent the angels of heaven to carry him to heaven. Friends, because he trusted in Jesus he now has all of eternity to enjoy the blessing of God. The man in our story told you  how wonderfully great heaven is and the Bible also tells us in Rev 21:3,4 and “ I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain’ for the former things are passed away”. Praise God hallelujah, just think friends not only is heaven beautiful but it is what we have always dreamed about. There are no more tears, no more death, no more crying, no more pain, no more sin, no more curses, and a place where fellowship with God is personal and continuous. A place of security, (no terrorists there) and a place where all needs are provided. In fact friend (I Corin 2:9) says that we have never seen or our minds cannot imagine anything like it. Yes friends these destines and conditions are eternal and beside all this, ” (Luke 16:26)”. There is no way out, once you enter in it is your destiny.

         There are no other places for man to go, there is no such place as purgatory, friends as we have read from God’s Word there are only two places of eternal destiny. And if you are saved and on your way to heaven friends you will be separated from your loved ones friends, and acquaintances forever who are not saved. We can change our minds this side of eternity, but not after being resurrected in our eternal abode. Friends if you are not in heaven thee will be no hope. Friends we have a solemn responsibility to warn others and try to keep them out of hell. Verse 27 and 28 says, ”Then he said I pray thee there fore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house’ for  I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment”. Friends here is a man in hell wanting someone to tell his brothers how to be saved. A great preacher, L..R. Scarborough, told of his calling and his hard decision between his call to preach and his ambition to be a lawyer, he said, "I read this passage of scripture and I heard the cry of that man in hell he said go and tell my brothers not to come to this place and for 25 years, I have been looking for that man’s brothers and several thousands have by faith in Christ escape that place". It is not God’s will that any should perish (II Peter 3:9) Friends hell was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41), God has promised us in (John 3:16), that whosoever believes would not perish. God sent his son so that we might be saved and escape hell. But my dear precious friend  Jesus is the only way to heaven and the only way to escape hell. Friends remember the man at the beginning of our program. He said as soon as I opened my eyes in the hospital and found that I was alive and on earth once more, I immediately gave my heart to God and I am going to live and die a Christian, While the terrible sight of hell can never be banished from my memory, neither can the beautiful things of heaven. Friends will you come to God before it is too late?, Do not wait any longer, hell is a terrible place to spend eternity when you can have heaven. Right now where ever you are repent of your sin ask God to forgive you and be Lord and Savior of you life and you can be on your way to heaven today. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ today