What Do Angels Do ?

         “Are they not all ministry spirits, sent forth to ministry for them who shall be heirs of salvation ?”( Heb 1:14)

 I.They Guide us against Danger.

A.   An Angel warned Joseph about the danger to Jesus (Matt.2;13 ,14)

II. They Strengthen Us in Sorrows .

        A. An Angel strengthened Jesus in Gethsemane (Luke 22;43)   

        B.  In death family members and friends     

III. They deliver us from confinement                   

        A. an Angel opened the door of the prison for the Apostles, (Acts 5:19)

IV They direct us where to go

        A. An Angel direct Philip to go to a place where he meet the Ethiopian eunuch.  (Acts 8:26,27)

V. They provide solutions for our perplexities

        A. An Angel appeared to Cornelius to send a delegation to meet Peter, (Acts 10:3)

VI. They protect us from the evil intents of rulers

        A. An Angel appeared to Peter in prison warning him of Herod and liberating him (Acts 12:7-10)

        B. Three wise men was warned about King Herod plans to kill Jesus.

VII. They help us in the storms of life.

        A. An Angel stood by Paul in the Mediterranean storm (Acts 27:23)

         B. Many times, angels protected me from an accidents while driving.

VIII. They interpret future events.

         A. An Angel explained to John what God was going to do, (Rev 1:1)

IX. God continues to provide His angels to help us with our daily need. (Heb 1:14)

         A. The word “ministering” in the Greek means rendering public service to others (Matt 13:44)

         B. The word “sentforth” in the Greek means – to send forth on a mission

The form of the verb indicates that God continues to send His angels to accomplish His mission in our lives in association with other

C.      “Salvation” which we are heirs to is not salvation from sin but from the impending eschatological wrath of God.

Please read,     ( I Thess 5:8,9); (Heb 2:3); (I Pet 1:5, 9, 10)



1. Angels guide us

2. Warned us of danger

3. They strengthen us in sorrow

4. They deliver us from confinement

5. They direct our path

6. They protect us from evil intent

7. They tell of the future

A.     God’s wrath

B.     God’s grace

8. Angels are helping us with our daily needs