LESSON  2   








 Lesson 2


I. The Possession of Jesus Christ – The Church in the world. Chs. 2-3

            A. Letter of Christ to the Church in Ephesus.            2:1-7

            B. Letter of Christ to the Church in Smyrna.            2:8-11

            C. Letter of Christ to the Church in Pergamum  2:12-17

            D. Letter of Christ to the Church in Thyatira            2:18-29

            E. Letter of Christ to the Church in Sardis   3:1-6

            F. Letter of Christ to the Church in Philadelphia 3:7-18

            G. Letter of Christ to the Church in Laodicea 3:14-22


II. The Church is mention 19 times in the first four chapters of Revelation, after chapter four, through chapter 20 the Church isn’t mention once. Where is the Church? I believe it is in Heaven where the Great White Throne Judgment is taking place.


III. These seven letters have three different means and applications.

1.      Contemporary – they had a direct message to the local churches in John’s day.

2.      There is something that can be applied to all churches in all ages.

3.      There are seven distinct periods of church history.




IV. The Lord follows a well-definite format in addressing each church.

a.       The letter is address to the Angel of the church (Which some believe to mean, the pastor of each church).

b.      He begins by stating to each church “I know thy works.”

c.       He first gives a commendation, then a condemnation. Note: There are no words of condemnation to Smyrna or Philadelphia; and there are not words of commendation to Laodicea.

d.      Each letter concludes with the warning, “He that an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith…”

A. The letter to the church in Ephesus. This period was from Pentecost to 100 A.D. 2:1-7

There are seven words of commendation to this church of Ephesus.

It was the religious and commercial center of that area.

1.      Works means good works.

2.      Labors meaning how tired they were from their work.

3.      Patience, which is the work of the Holy Spirit.

4.      Not bear --- evil men, not put up with evil people.

5.      Didst try --- apostle, they tested a man for his doctrine.

6.      Hast borne --- for my namesake—they preached Christ.

7.      Hast not grown weary --- the church had spiritual strength.

            8.   One word of condemnation-----They had left their first love.

A. Three things they had to do to be restored.


      2. Repent

      3. Return


B. The letter of Christ to the church in Smyrna. Time 100 A.D. to about 314 A.D. 2:8-11

This city was north of Ephesus, on the gulf of Smyrna. Considered to be the most brilliant city of Asia Minor, it was noted for its school of science and medicine and its handsome buildings and wide paved streets.

Here He identifies Himself in verse 8.

There are 7 things in this church he commended.

1.      Tribulations----- the troubles they were having.

2.      Poverty--------- their lack of material blessing.

3.      These people were Jews by life style.

4.      Fear nothing----- in the mist of persecution.

5.      The devil and Satan are the center of their troubles.

6.      Tribulation ten days,

a.       Nero – A.D. 64-68

b.      Domitian – 95-96

c.       Trajan – 104-117

d.      Marcus Aurelius – 161-180

e.       Severus – 200-211

f.        Maximinius – 235-237

g.       Decius – 250-253

h.       Valerian – 257-260

i.         Aurelian – 270-275

j.        Diocletian – 303-313

Faith unto death means, martyrdom.

1.      Crown of life. A special crown for those who suffer.

2.      Second death, no believer will go through this death.


C. The letter of Christ to the church in Pergamum.

     Time 314-590, verses 2:12-17

     It was noted as the most beautiful in the East.


Commended for 3 things:

1.      Where they lived. (Bad place to live)

2.      Hold fast my Name. (Strong in faith)

3.      And not denied my faith.


Two items for condemnation.

1.      Doctrine of Balaam. (Read Num. 25:1-9)

2.      Doctrine of Nicolaitans. (They okayed immoral practices)


The only cure. “Repent”

The Sword of My mouth. “God’s word”


D. The letter of Christ to the church in Thyatira. Time 590-1517 verse 2:18-29

Thyatira was headquarters for many ancient guides, as the potters, tanners, weavers, robe makers and dyers.


Six commendations.

1.      Works (true believers)

2.      Love (Had not grown cold in their love)

3.      Faith

4.      Ministry

5.      Patience (endurance)

6.      Work increased

All these virtues are created in the believer by the Holy Spirit.


One charge of condemnation.

            1. Charged with spiritual adultery. (Worst of all sin)

Should have repented but did not.


Punishment – They may go through the Great Tribulation with the Apostate church. Some believe this type will go through the Great Tribulation. Only way to escape hold fast to the Word of God.


E. The letter of Christ to the Church Sardis – time 1517-1800 Protestant Church v.(3:1-6)

Sardis was the capital of Lydia. It was one of the oldest and most important cities in Asia Minor. It was destroyed by an earthquake but the ruins of the temple Cybele can still be seen today.



1.      Thy works. They have escaped the dark ages only to grow cold.

2.      This church had come out of what is known as the “dark ages”. It was called the “Dark Ages” because the Scriptures was hide from the people.

3.      This church had not gotten all the religious traditions out of it. It knew the truth but was still struggling with traditions.

God’s warns this church, to do what they knew to do because they didn’t know what time He was coming.



  1. Thou are dead
  2. Wake up
  3. Remember



  1. Have not defiled their garments
  2. Walk with white garments
  3. Walk with God


Over comer, refers to all Christians, people who live what they believe.


F. The letter of Christ to the church in Philadelphia time 1750-rapture V. (3:7-13)

The name Philadelphia means “brotherly love”

a.       This church was located about 75 miles southeast of Sardis.

b.      It was known for its excellent wine and great vineyards. This town is in Turkey and ruins of pillar stand as reminders of 3:12.


1.      I know thy works.

2.      Given an open door, which none can shut? (Could mean to the joys of the Lord or freedom to proclaim the Scripture).

3.      Hast little strength. (Humble small group).

4.      Didst keep my word. (When others want stand for God’s word, they stand firm).

5.      Didst not deny my Name. (Stand firm)

6.      Christ will make the enemies of Philadelphia know how much He loves this church.

This church kept God’s Words in patience. Christ promises this church that it will not past through the Great Tribulation.







7. The letter of Christ to the church in Laodicea. The Apostate Church. About the time of the Philadelphia Church through the Tribulation period. 3:14-22 this church professed Christ but didn’t live for Christ.

Laodicea was about 40 miles East and inland from Ephesus on the Lycus River. Its name means “justice of the people”. It was known for its wealth, Greek culture, science, and literature.


Even the good works of this church are bad.



1. It was not cold or hot.

It was lukewarm; this is the only place in the Bible that this word occurs.

Having a form of Godliness (2 Tim. 3:5)

Churches in the America are large and wealthy but not doing anything for God, they to have become lukewarm like this church a, they to need to repent and become hot for God.

Their way out “Repent” God gave them an open door.

Be zealous, “be hot” for the Lord.

The over comer which is a person who enters by faith, into the victory of Christ

(Rom 8:37)





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