Author – Micah --- “Who is like Jehovah”

Key words  - Judgment and restoration of Judah.

Key Verses - 6:8; 7:18

Key Chapters - 6&7


Prophesied during the reign of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He had seen the apostasy of the government and its recovery. He was the prophet of the downtrodden and exploited people. It is probably hard for us to understand how polluted every level of society in Judah and Jerusalem. Corrupt rulers, false prophets, and ungodly priest. He was born about 30 miles SW of Jerusalem. Micah was the contemporary with Isaiah and Hose. He was preaching in west Jerusalem what Isaiah was preaching in Jerusalem, and Hosea did in the Northern kingdom.

Micah’s was to both Kingdoms, primarily to their respective capitals, Jerusalem and Samaria. His main message was their sin, destruction, and restoration. Chapters 1-3 brings predictions of judgment. Chapter 4,5 speaks about restoration, while chapters 6,7 plead for repentance.

I. Judgment was pronounced on God’s people for their sins. God’s covenant people had broken their covenant with God. Chapter 1:5-7.


II. Coming judgment was for various reasons.

1.      Socioeconomic oppression of the poor. (2:1-2, 8-9; 3:1-3, 8-9;          6:10-11; 7:2-3)

2.      The leaders, priest, and prophets were greedy, dishonest, complacency. (2:6-11; 3:1-12).

3.      The Lord’s basic covenant demands were to be just, 6:8.

4.      Those who robbed their fellow Israelites of their land would lose their land, and was excluded from any future land allotments. 2:1-5. Those who were unmerciful, would fine no mercy in the day of Judgment. 3:1-4. The judgment on the false prophets was to deprive them of genuine prophetic revelation and would stand ashamed and silent,     3:5-7.


Conclusion: The ultimate goal of God’s judgment was the purification of His people, 5:10-15, by destroying the nation defense and cultist system. He would be paving the way for restoration.

Promised restoration, 7:18 (2:12-13; 4:6,10; 5:3) mighty nation 4:7; prevails 5:7-9.