II Peter 2:6…"turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with air overthrow,…”

    I read an article some time ago about a respected itinerant Bible teacher, He said he had been keeping a confidential list of men who were once outstanding expositor of the Scripture, capable and respected men of God. Men who have shipwrecked their faith and life’s ministry because of moral defilement. At that time he had 42 names listed, by now dozens more, Sexual impurities will being down any man rich or poor professional or homemaker, student, carpenter, artists, musician, pilots, bankers, senators, plumbers, promoters, and preachers.

    We generals associate the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah to their sexual, and immoral sins. For the most part that was right but it goes much deeper than that.

Ezra 16:49,50

I. Pride caused their fall, (Prov. 16:18) “ Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

A.  Pride is a sin against God

B.  Sodom was rich and affluent

C.  There is a strong temptations

We are a people very prideful of our wealth, education, race, culture, and social status.

    Beware of Pride

   It Brings

    Misery –

    Shame –

    Failure –


II. Fullness of Bread caused her fall

A.  Their land was good and fertile

B.  Their harvests were blessed

C.  This is certainly to in the Us compared to the rest of the world.

60 % of the world go to bed hungry – while we buy expensive things on credit we complain it, while most countries spend of their salaries on food.

III. Abundance of idleness brought her to destruction

A.  They were prosperous and had no need

Today in US most people needs to lose things that are important to them before they can see the truth of their lives. sad.

They simply have no need. They became busybodies, 

(II Thessalonians 3:11;I Tim 5:13)

B.  To much time ”idleness is the devil"s workshop”

(II Sam 11:)1, King David – should’ve been off to war, instead he was in his palace taking it easy.

IV. Sodom failed to help the helpless.

A.  Unheard selfish gluttony

Overweigh Americans (50 %)

B.  Didn’t take care of widows fatherless, and poor.

Our recent riots – All over the world is due to poverty.

The poor in, (Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Indonesia), are only a small part of the poverty in a very large world.

Christians should take the imitative in helping others "John 5:7" This man had be sick 38 years” no to help in water

V. Her abominable acts destroyed her.

A.  Sexual freedom

Our times are called the sexual revolution, a survey of 7-8 graders, in a mostly white to middle class junior high school in America revealed 55% over half, had sex with girls which were minors.

Young man 18 told me he could not give up sex for God.

Graphic are seen on subways in forms of advertisements of sexual sins,, telephone books are plastered with prostitution services advertisements, phone numbers, photos etc. there seems to be no public out cry which minor have to all the adults morality. Some 15,000 obscene comics books are sold in vending machines, they are even found in Doc officer, banks waiting area for customer to look through. Rape Man sells over 400,000 copies a month promotes sexual crimes against women.  

Our society's morals has declined almost to the same levels as these cities Sodom and Gomorrah.

1 out of 4 babies are born out of Wedlock  

B.  How Close are we to Sodom

In the city of San Francisco, California 60% of the men professes homosexuality as their life style.

1.  Homosexuality

A.  Lesbianism is just as bad.

                        We are getting dangerously close

1.  talk show – defending peoples sexual lifestyles.

2.  Newspaper  speak of the poor aids victims.

3.  Magazine glorify the gay? lifestyles.

 In America one of our leading family stores, is the leader in selling pornography

Serial letters are also most always a part of the pornographic life style.

Parents have no right in California, Condom are distributed to  children in the 9th – 12th graders.

Child abuse is on the rise  - these people are every where


VI. We need to cleans the temple

  ( I Co 6:19 )

A.  When the body is used as an instrument to sin or to do wrong, God will not live in it.

( II Cor 7:11 )

B.  V. 11 Tells us about what we need in our lives that is proper.

1.  What carefulness -  care for the way you direct your life

2.  What cleansing of yourselves. Verse says, let us clean ourselves

 Self cleaning – take command of your life

3.  What indignation Get angry with wrong doing – Self indignation

4.  What fear , properly fear God.

5.  What vehement desire desire a strong desire to serve God

6.   What zeal,  to see the work of God. Accomplished in our life

7.  What revenge,  an opportunity to make up for all the time spent using God’s temple for the wrong thing.  

Friends, life without God is not any life at all, if it were, we would not have so many people unhappy and killing themselves. Turn to God now, the time is at hand, the stage is set, for the Lord to return to this old sin ridden world.,